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Star of the North printed_book_paperback english - 29/06/2006

معذرة! هذا المنتج غير متوفر.
متوفر قريبا
Noon Locker
توصيل مجاني لنقطة نون ومراكز الاستلام
معرفة المزيد
نظرة عامة
رقم الكتاب المعياري الدولي 139780340840740
رقم الكتاب المعياري الدولي 100340840749
تنسيق الكتابغلاف ورقي
الناشرHodder & Stoughton Ltd
عن المؤلفAnna Jacobs was born in England but emigrated to Australia thirty years ago. Now she and her husband spend part of the year in each country. She's totally addicted to writing, and produces three novels a year. If she slows down, new characters nag her till she tells their stories. And after all, dusting isn't important - story-telling is. She was first published in fiction in 1992 and as of April 2011, she has had 53 novels published, a few under other names. At the moment Anna is writing historical sagas for one UK publisher and modern novels for another, but she doesn't guarantee not to try other genres. Writing is too much fun to be limited in any way. She's been married to her own hero for many happy years, and they have two daughters and one grandson. Anna also wrote fantasy novels as Shannah Jay, and these books have now been reiussed as Kindle books.
تاريخ النشر29/06/2006
عدد الصفحات272

Star of the North printed_book_paperback english - 29/06/2006

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